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Beta Alpha Xi was founded on May 15, 2020, with the purpose of promoting true friendship amongst women by instilling into their hearts and lives those principles of Loyalty, Empowerment, Unity, and Sisterly-love; without which there can be no true sisterhood.


Beta Alpha Xi focuses on molding girls into women, uplifting, and empowering them while promoting Peace and Change in the Second Life Community. Community Service, Leadership development, and education of peers are the hallmark of this organization.

Beta Alpha Xi is committed to providing opportunities and experiences that inspire women to greatness. It is an organization built on the idea that individuality is something we should cherish as women. We live by the motto “Inspire the woman, impact the world; while striving for that which is Honorable, beautiful, and most highest” Our foundations are formed on the principle that we, as women, should build each other up and learn how to overcome the obstacles of womanhood while endorsing persona.


Beta Alpha Xi strives to create a network of sisters committed to these principles while promoting the development of personal bonds, skills, and SISTERHOOD.


Our Membership is comprised of astonishing women who boast excellent character, impeccable leadership skills and are involved in the betterment of the SL community. 

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